1-18-25 by dave

A solid dose of fresh essence was delivered in this latest installment, and it came not a minute too soon. The accumulation came in cold, dry and light, but later the accumulation became cold and a bit denser for some reason. I’ll have to inquire as to what was going on with the dynamics. Visibility was marginal and flying from memory served for guidance, while staying with the trees gave better reference for navigation. I was staying with the smooth lines I had worked on all week. Having a fresh cushion was a treat underfoot and made the turns feel much more substantial.

Vince was getting it all, though he felt the variability and kept the lines direct and straight to the face. It is fun to watch him turn with effortless mastery. Tomorrow, look for more cold temps, refreshed machine worked lines on all sides of the hill and some areas of goodness still waiting in the wings. Keep in mind the traverses and entrances have been dodgy, and I expect there to be some features you should keep in mind as you move about. Traffic should be brisk, so work the chairs for the best options. Dress for cold and enjoy the excellent conditions on the hill. Remain Standing!!!

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