3-13-19 by dave

A deep dusting covered the dance floor to start the day, with heavy snow fall and wind working the hill. The light density product did not cushion the underlying substrate, and the off trail variations were abrupt and hard to discern. I was going with the known smooth lines from my eyeball survey that I took yesterday. Traffic was light to start, as the Canyon Road was having issues, but I got up the Canyon early to get a jump on the storm. Here is a shot of the morning Sun shining on Coal Pit, as there were no photo ops to get today.

Early morning Sun shining on Coal Pit just as Daylight Savings time takes effect.

I worked some of the far out lines on the hill as I searched for the smooth . I found deep lines in the guts that went a long way in cushioning the crunch, and the general smoothness of low traffic lines makes a big difference. Tomorrow, look for more accumulation overnight as the lake effect continues with the North West flow. Look for areas to open that are waiting in the wings. More unsettled weather is in the forecast, so dress for weather. I will be looking for the Chair options to get out ahead of any Tram back up in the AM. It is going to be a great day, and there is plenty to get if you missed the dance today. Watch Your SIX!!

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