The cold really held the day without much flex in the meter all day long. The Sun was shining, but the cold held tough in the face of it. Traffic was surprisingly light, with walk on Trams happening not long after the opening as folks got spread out on the hill. The machine worked lines were offering that dry chalk, but the cold snow made for some real sticky running. If you had put on the right wax, you were ahead of the game. Off trail was still soft and fluffy, however that cold element was still in the mix.

Wonderful formations in the pack shaped by wind capture the vortex energy in the storm. Tomorrow, look for more very cold temps, so dress for the conditions and keep exposed skin covered. My nose has been badly frost bitten in the past many times, so I have to keep a close eye on it even in more moderate temps. The prepared lines will still be offering the magic carpet ride top to bottom, and I expect light traffic as well, so back to back walk on Trams will be fun to get a lot of hot laps in. I’ll be looking around for some out of the way pockets and I’ll be checking out the smoothness factor of some of the un noticed sections. See you for the morning fun. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!!