The wind was howling again all night as The Front moved in. Temps. were warm ahead of the arrival, but the temps were about to drop quickly with it’s arrival around 11 AM. The Canyon was closed mid day due to a fallen power line just to add to the excitement of the day. The prepared lines were offering the best consistency on the hill, but some of the wind smooth lines were holding up a bit better under turn pressure, however, it was always good to expect variations in the ride.

The Tunnel is fun to transit and get a look at the pieces of mining history. It is amazing that folks worked in the earth for so many years, and probably never imagined the activities we get to enjoy here in the high country. We live in a very special window of time indeed. Tomorrow, look for a bit more relaxed weather pattern, with, perhaps, a peak at the Sun. I will be looking for those wind smooth lines in areas as they open. The prepared lines will also be offering excellent carving quality top to bottom. Traffic should be moderate and fast laps will be on tap on all sides of the hill. There is more weather upstream, so enjoy these days of better visibility and wide open driving. Speed Safely!!